Okamura's Designed Workplace Showcase
Case Number 160902
Condiment food production and sales

Ebara Foods Industry, Inc.

Head office

Since its founding in Yokohama in 1958, Ebara Foods Industry has continued to develop and market simple and convenient condiments (Ohgon no Aji, Asazuke no Moto, Puchitto Nabe, etc.) to match the needs of the era.
The head office relocation project was implemented with the goals of nurturing a feeling of group unity, creating and sharing unified Ebara brand value, enhancing customer convenience, and strengthening the ability to handle the BCP (business continuity plan).
Along with the Ebara Foods head office, the head offices of three domestic group companies and the technical center were centralized on a single 1,700 tsubo (5,614㎡) floor. This office creation spurred the evolution of communication by promoting a "standing and chatting" culture through the placement of a variety of spaces, including open work spaces with partitions eliminated, a technical center for speedy product development, a lounge open to use by all personnel (including those of group companies), and discussion space available for use without a reservation.


Okamura provides interior design services for more functional, more effective offices to clients in a full range of industries.