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Okamura Corporation, as a solutions company that aims to create comfortable spaces for customers under the motto “Quality pays for itself,” will continue to provide products and services that satisfy customers and contribute to society through a range of business activities.
Okamura Corporation recognizes protecting personal information as an important social mission that companies must fulfill, and therefore defines, executes, and maintains the following personal information policy.
1. With consideration for its business portfolio and scale, Okamura Corporation shall establish organizations for protecting personal information, appoint a manager of personal information, and strive to conduct proper management of personal information. In particular, Okamura Corporation will take proper measures so as not to use personal information beyond the scope of achieving specified purposes.
2. Okamura Corporation shall establish rules regarding the proper handling of personal information, including its acquisition, use, and disclosure, and all employees shall work in compliance with these rules.
3. When consigning personal information outside the company, Okamura Corporation shall only entrust the minimum personal information necessary to consignees who were properly selected based on original selection criteria. Okamura Corporation shall give responsible guidance to ensure that the consignee properly manages the safety of personal information and maintains confidentiality.
4. Okamura Corporation shall implement various proper and rational safety management measures for the personal information it possesses, including information security measures, and strive to prevent and rectify leaks, losses, and damage to personal information.
5. Okamura Corporation shall comply with laws, policies, and norms set forth by the government in regard to the handling of personal information.
6. Okamura Corporation shall strive to continuously improve upon its personal information protection management systems, including this policy and related laws.
7. When a person in the system makes a claim or consultation about the handling of personal information or the personal information protection management system, Okamura Corporation will take their claim or consultation through the company website and respond accordingly.
8. In regard to the handling of personal data in the EEA (European Economic Area), Okamura Corporation shall comply to the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and related national laws.
GDPR Compliance
Established: April 1, 2005
Final revision: June 3, 2019