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The Okamura Corporation had its beginnings in 1945, based in the town of Okamura in Yokohama. With a strong belief in Okamura’s mission, the founding members brought together the technical and financial support to launch the company as the Okamura Manufacturing Facility, a cooperative industry.
Okamura’s Founding Spirit is still alive today in the five principles of the Corporate Philosophy : creation, cooperation, economizing, saving and service. Since its founding, Okamura has provided high‐quality products and services for offices, education, healthcare, R&D, commercial facilities and distribution centers under the motto “Quality pays for itself.” Okamura’s strength lies in its extensive knowledge and technical expertise in many fields, the foundation of creating comfortable spaces for customers worldwide.
From concept to completion, Okamura products are brimming with the creative spirit. Even the smallest details push the boundaries of conventional design, so we create something entirely new and wholly unique, again and again. All with the end goal to evolve the workplace, creating more productive, more creative, and happier environments