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Okamura's Proposals for Solving Social Issues
We support your efforts to improve the working environment and the health of your employees based on the SDGs and ESG management perspectives. Work with us to create a better future.
What is Okamura's GREEN WAVE?
Since 1997, the Okamura Group has been expanding our lineup of environmentally friendly products by establishing our own environmental standards for the products based on the concept of the "GREEN WAVE," in which the company itself creates a GREEN (environmentally friendly) wave and rides that wave.
With the aim of becoming carbon neutral, from 2021 we introduce Circular Design Thinking in product development and a carbon offset program to greatly enhance our GREEN WAVE initiatives.
Environmental Considerations
Continuing operations with a high environmental impact can lead to various management risks, such as the inability to procure necessary resources. Promoting environmentally friendly initiatives is a major force for sustainable management.
主要国・地域の中央銀行、金融監督当局などの代表を参加メンバーとする金融安定理事会(FSB) により設置された気候関連財務情報開示タスクフォース。企業・団体等に、気候変動関連リスクおよび機会に関するガバナンス、戦路、リスク管理、指標と目標の開示を推奨しています。オカムラは 2021年4月に TCFD への賛同表明しました。
SBTi (Science Based Targets initiative) は、パリ協定の目標達成に向け、企業に対して科学的根拠に基づいた温室効果ガスの排出量削減目標を設定することを推進している国際的なイニシアティブで、企業の目標を独立した立場から審査・認定しています。オカムラは2022年8月に認定を取得しました。
「RE100」は、「Renewable Electricity 100%」を意味し、世界で影響力のある企業が、事業で使用する電力を100% 再生可能エネルギーにすることにコミットする企業協働イニシアティブです。オカムラは、2022年3月より加盟しています。
日本気候リーダーズ・パートナーシップ(JCLP)は、脱炭素社会の実現には産業界が健全な危機感を持ち、積極的な行動を開始すべきであるという認識のもと、2009 年に日本独自の企業グループとして設立されました。オカムラは、2022年3月に加盟しました。
15014001国際標準化機構(ISO) D°定める環境マネジメントシステムの国際規格です。環境問題意識を持って、その対応を実行。環境方針・目的・目標を掲げ、製品・サービスの設計・開発段階からライフサイクルを考慮した取り組みを行います。オカムラは1997 年から取り組んでいます。
Promotion of Health Management
As the working population declines, taking care of the health of each individual so that they can be energetic and maximize their abilities is not only a way to continue business and avoid the risk of higher health insurance premiums, but is also an important initiative to enhance corporate value.
Through our mission at the Okamura Group, “Contribute to society by creating environments where people can thrive with rich ideas and reliable quality,” we aim for enhanced corporate value and providing solutions to issues facing society.
1. Creating environments where people can thrive
We will continue to take on the challenge of creating new values, markets, and trends by providing society with innovative products and services with reliable quality and safety.
2. Pursuing employee satisfaction
In addition to making our workplaces both healthier and safer, we respect the diversity of our employees and provide them working environments that promote fulfillment in their work and achieving personal growth through cooperation.
3. Global environmental initiatives
We will help create a sustainable society by thoroughly considering our impact on the global environment throughout the supply chain of our business activities.
4. Responsible corporate activities
We will respect human rights and strive to respect each person’s individuality—including their cultural background—while eliminating discrimination. By conducting corporate activities based on legal compliance and a high standard of ethics, we will disclose information in a timely and appropriate manner to our stakeholders, enhance our communications initiatives, coexist with local communities and society, and engage in fair, transparent and honest corporate activities as a global company that is trusted and appreciated by society.